The 7 days that perfected my holiday

The day out with Luisa in town :)
I wrote my heart down.
10:27 AM
Sunday, April 30, 2006
I wrote my heart down.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I wrote my heart down.
Friday, April 21, 2006
I wrote my heart down.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I wrote my heart down.
Friday, April 07, 2006
I wrote my heart down.
Monday, April 03, 2006
I wrote my heart down.
The 7 days that perfected my holiday
The day out with Luisa in town :)
10:27 AM
I bought this on ebay!!! The excitement of winning a bid. (:
It costs me SGD$8. But that's excluding shipment. Shipment is SGD$30. YES. I've learnt my lesson.I'll buy locally next time. But then again i've bought it so i shan't complain.
10:25 PM
That we have to pick out cover girls whom we think are perfect, then work towards looking like them.
That your self-worth goes only as far as how many pounds you lose a week.
That a 16-yr-old feels crummy cos she can't have a slender 120 pound frame.
That our eyes are so fixed on what others have acheived, rather than what we already have.
Then there's a particular 21-yr-old..who battles with cerebral palsy and yet he's much more into life than many of us are. How many of us are trudging towards the unknown, living each day like it is, just on the ride with everyone else. How many of us actually know what we are living for each day, that we're not here just by some mere coincidence, that we're here for a reason.
That a guy who has so much lesser physically compared to us, can live and enjoy himself..who makes the best out of what he has..who is secure in who he is..and who is an overcomer.
And life throws you and knocks you over with a pile of rocks.You stumble.On your knees, but unwilling to get up. Stuck in your own rut.
You're stuck in your own rut. And until you decide to get out of it, nobody's hands will be able to reach and pull you out.
Are you in for the ride? Or are you in 'cause you know you're gonna live a fruitful life? That you know at the end of it, you look back and smile for all that you've done and realise that you've no regrets.
It's entirely out of my reach.It's totally up to you.
12:38 AM
Dear Mr. cute cashier at Safeway,
I've been eyeing you for the past 10 seconds and i think you're an absolute hottie. Can i please be your friendly stalker?
-anonymously yours-
Dear Mr. cute cashier at the next aisle (also in Safeway),
I've been staring (not eyeing cos you're further away) at you for the 11 seconds and i also think you're an absolute hottie. Please also let me be your friendly stalker.I'll buy you tim tams everyday.
-anonymously yours-
1) Starting attachment tmr
2) No more nice weather
3) No more oceans
4) No more great vietnamese beef noodles (pho)
5) No more cuties. @!**^^$@!
11:29 PM
The 12 Apostles
Apollo Bay
The Bed and Breakfast we stayed over in
Great Ocean Road( Thunder Cave)
I came back from Great Ocean Road yestersday.I guess the only dampening part of the trip was the rain cause it's been pretty wet these few days. But other than that, it's been nothing but spectcular sights. 4 hours of ocean views, just taking in the waves and the white ripples. It's amazing. We stay a night there and that's when we rented the Bed and Breakfast. A very posh place..completed with fireplace,spa and a bottle of sherry. Along the Great Ocean Road we managed to see a waterfall ( i'll probably post the pictures up when i'm back), the Apollo Bay, a vineyard,cow,horses,SHEEPS(they are soooo cute....), 12 Apostles and many other rock formations along the coastline. Thunder cave was one of them. We went to the bottom of the staircase and i could see so clearly the waves just crashing onto the rocks, making a loud swoosh that sounds very much like thunder(which explains the name)At times the waves were scary but most of the time it was just majestic. Imagine this: we were on top of the hill,the waves came onto the shores and foam from the white ripples reached us all the way to the top.(like 12 storeys high?) The wind was exceptionally strong yesterday, it was constantly pushing me forward,causing me to stagger back and forth(must eat more!-the words of all my relatives and friends) and once or twice i found it hard to even talk.
The day before Great Ocean Road, which was Tuesday, we were at Sorrento. It's a good fishing spot and just watching sea planes and canoes was a good way to pass the day. Even though we almost didn't do anything,it was still fulfilling watching the crystal clear waters and trying my hand on fishing. We even saw a penguin(which was rare at this part of the sea)swimming around.For a lack of words, it was damn cute la.Its flippers which was flapping frantically propelled the little critter forward.I mean,so many people have seen penguins on the land just wobbling a little, but who has seen one swimming in the waters chasing after fishes? :)
I'll update again probably when i'm back cause i haven't uploaded the pictures i took today.Today was plain shopping. Plain shopping =Pure bliss.I met up with Luisa(one of my sec school friend) and we went ard town looking for bargains.Of course i wanted to buy the whole surf shop down.But i didn't.hahaha.But still i bought quite abit of stuff.Before town was Queen Victoria market in the morning where we bought some nuts and nougat and of course *ahem* clothes. and earrings.and necklaces. hahaahhaa.so today has been a GREAT day too. TOMORROW!!-Philip Island. :) :) :)
6:15 PM
Hi Melbourne. You look so gd that i wanna eat you. :)
fjhfuvnvngiieriiieinvnvndndnffnnf Melb is beautiful and the best thing is it's only the first day.
I saw a HUGE two storey Ripcurl boutique today but didn't hv the chance to go in.And that's only Ripcurl. I'm abt to break out in a shopping frenzy.But not just. I know.My sentences are truancated, not exactly what you call a good piece of 'write-up'. But it's 10.30pm here..and i havent slept for the whole of yesterday and today.So i'm gonna K.O now.Byeee..
8:10 PM
Hello,what's your name?
Name:Natalie WongGet me my paycheck now!
black shift dressVoiced-out
July 2005Credits